Hotspot Annotation Types

Specific details per Hotspot Type are below. Note that the Marker Shape is the same for all Annotations, so will not be covered here.

Skip to the appropriate section:

Photo/Image Hotspot

Displays one or more images in a lightbox. Multiple images display in a carousel that can be advanced (controls are on each side).

Works the same in both the Momento360 web app and embed/share links.


Click to view a sample Single-Image Hotspot
Click to view a sample Multiple-Image Hotspot


Title (required): This displays in the title of the lightbox. If blank, it will add “Untitled Hotspot.” In the Preview View this is displayed as large text.

Description field (optional): This displays in larger text above the image(s). Any URLs will be converted into clickable links that open in a separate tab. <a> tags also function here. In the Preview view the start of this will display as smaller text.

Display Size: This sets the max width of the window. Values are:

  • Small: 250px
  • Medium: 450px
  • Large: 750px (default)
  • X-large: 1090px

Image File(s) (required): Most image formats can be uploaded. In the Preview view the last-uploaded image will be used as the thumbnail image.

Optional Text (per image): This is displayed underneath the image in the lightbox


  • The thumbnail that is displayed in the preview is currently the last image that was uploaded. 
  • Ordering of images in multi-image hotspots is from newest to oldest in terms of ordering. 

Embed Hotspot

Displays embeds from other websites and applications. Usually if the application has “embed in your site” functionality this will be where it goes. Clicking on the annotation marker opens the embed in a modal dialog.

Works the same in both the Momento360 web app and embed/share links.


Click to view a sample Embed Hotspot (Youtube)
Click to view a sample Embed Hotspot (Google Maps)
Click to view a sample Embed Hotspot (Calendly)


Preview Text (required): This text will be displayed in the Preview view. If blank, it will display “Untitled Hotspot.”

Embed code (required): Usually this will start with <iframe>; paste into this field the code snippet copied from the other website/service. 

Display Size: If the dimensions of the embed are set in the iframe code, that will be respected. If it is not declared, or is stated as a percentage (e.g. width=100%) then it will be sized to the width of the Display Size dropdown. Values are:

  • Small: 250px
  • Medium: 450px
  • Large: 750px
  • X-large: 1090px

Preview Image: You can optionally upload a preview image to be displayed in place of the default icon. This will be displayed when the user hovers over the annotation. If nothing is uploaded, the default icon is displayed. Preview images are displayed at 50x50:

Links make the annotation markers links to other webpages. Note that behavior of this hotspot is different depending on whether you are viewing it in the Momento360 website, or viewing an embed/share link.

  • In the Momento360 web app
    • Clicking the marker: Displays a panel with a clickable URL.
    • Selecting the marker via index view or previous/next controls:  Displays a panel with a clickable URL. 
    • Selection via autoplay mode: Displays a panel with clickable URL.
  • In embeds
    • Clicking the marker: Navigates to the set URL when the user clicks on the marker.
    • Selecting the marker via index view or previous/next controls:  Displays a panel with a clickable URL.    
    • Selection via autoplay mode: Displays a panel with clickable URL. d
    • Opening the hotspot via direct link: Displays a panel with clickable URL.


Click to view a sample Link Hotspot (external site)


Preview Text (required): This text will be displayed in the Preview view. If blank, it will display “Untitled Hotspot.”

URL (required): The link you want opened when the user clicks on the annotation. 

Open link in new tab: If checked, will open the link in a separate window; it defaults to opening in the existing window.

Enables you to link directly between 360s, allowing viewers to jump between 360s. Similar to the link hotspot except it works in both the web app and in embed viewer, and will make necessary adjustments to preserve url parameters in embed links. 
NOTE: If you are using this for an embed, it is important to set the destination 360’s embed to be active, otherwise this will display a 404 "page not found" on click. Setting a 360 as the target will not activate that 360’s embed link, it needs to be done as a separate step.
Note that behavior of this hotspot is different depending on whether you are viewing it in the Momento360 website, or viewing an embed/share link.

  • In the Momento360 web app: The target will be the 360 details page 
    • Clicking the marker: Displays a panel displaying the target 360, which can be clicked to navigate to that 360.
    • Selecting the marker via index view or previous/next controls:  Displays a panel with a clickable URL. 
    • Selection via autoplay mode: Displays a panel with clickable URL.

In embeds: The target will be the embed version of the 360.

    • Clicking the marker: Opens the embed associated with that 360 (Note: if the embed is not actively being shared, this will 404)
    • Selecting the marker via index view or previous/next controls:  Displays a panel with the clickable target image.    
    • Selection via autoplay mode: Displays a panel with clickable URL.
    • Opening the hotspot via direct link: Displays a panel with clickable URL.


Click to view a sample Navigation Hotspot

Click to view a sample Collection with Navigation Hotspots 


Preview Text (required): This text will be displayed in the Preview view. If blank, it will default to the title of the selected 360 
Description Text (optional): The light text that displays under the Preview view. 
Target 360 (required): Set by clicking the “Select” button and choosing from the selector which 360 you want this to navigate to.

Choose the Folder to look in from the Folders dropdown at the top (link to the Folders overview).

The left side displays all of the 360s in the folder. Click/tap on one to view the larger verison in the inspector panel. Clicking on the thumbnail will open the details page in a separate tab.

Once you have chosen the appropriate 360, click the “Select” button. 

You can always change the target of the hotspot later.

Creating a Navigation Hotspot

Creating a Navigation Hotspot is easy! First, right-click (or control-click) where you want to place the hotspot. That will bring up the Add Annotation panel: 

  1. Select "Hotspot" under Type
  2. Select "Navigation" under Hotspot Type
  3. Click the "Select" link to select the Target 360 (see below)
  4. Optional: Change the Annotation Marker to the shape you want 
  5. Click Save and you're done!

Selecting the Target 360

  1. Select the folder containing the target 360. If you haven't used Folders before, there will only be a single "Momento360" folder.
  2. Select the 360. The image will display in the right panel
  3. Click "Select" button. You can always change it later. 

Note: If you wish the target 360 to be viewable as an embed, make sure its embed link is set to active; if it isn't, you will get a 404 and the preview thumbnail will not be visible. 

Converting to Navigation Hotspots from Existing Hotspot/Annotations

If you already have invested time creating Link Hotspots or Standard Annotations already, we have made it easy to convert them into Navigation Hotspots.

For Link Hotspots:

If an existing Momento360 link (either embed or web application) is detected as the URL, changing the type to Navigation will automatically identify the corresponding download as the Target, you just need to switch the type and save it.

For Standard Annotations:

If an existing Momento360 link is detected as the contents of the Description field in a Standard annotation, changing the type to Navigation Hotspot will automatically identify the corresponding 360 as the Target, no work is necessary beyond changing the type to Navigation Hotspot and saving it.

Other Issues

URL parameters in Embeds: URL parameters in embeds are passed through to the target 360 if it is viewed as part of an embed, with the exception of heading, field-of-view, and pitch. Any customizations of the embed viewer should be preserved, in both single and Collection embed links.

VR compatibility: Navigation hotspots, like other hotspots, are currently not interactable in VR mode, unfortunately.

Move/Copy Hotspot operation: You can set a Navigation Hotspot to automatically update its target 360 during the Move/Copy command, if you check that option. This is useful if you update an image in a virtual tour, for instance.

Audio Hotspot

(Paid Accounts Only) Plays an uploaded audio file when the annotation is clicked. 

Unlike all other annotation types, audio hotspots remain open (and playing) as the user continues browsing the 360 and views other annotations. This is dismissable by clicking the close button. 

Works the same in both the Momento360 web app and embed/share links.



Preview & Title Text (required): This text will be displayed in the Hotspot window; in the Preview view it will also display. If blank, it will display “Untitled Hotspot.”

Description (optional): This text displays in the secondary text field in the Preview view.

Audio file (required): Audio formats supported: WAV, MP3, MP4, AAC, OGG, FLAC  (for maximum compatibility across as many devices as possible we suggest using mp3 encoding)

Video Hotspot

(Paid Accounts Only) Plays an uploaded video file in a lightbox player when the annotation is clicked. Useful for videos that aren’t hosted by external services — for those (e.g. Youtube, Vimeo, etc), use the Embed Hotspot type (see above). 

Works the same in both the Momento360 web app and embed/share links.


Click to view a sample Video Hotspot


Preview & Title Text (required): This displays in the title of the lightbox. If blank, it will add “Untitled Hotspot.” In the Preview View this is displayed as large text.

Description field (optional): This displays in larger text above the video. Any URLs will be converted into clickable links that open in a separate tab. <a> tags also function here. In the Preview view the start of this will display as smaller text.

Display Size: This sets the max width of the window. Values are:

  • Small: 250px
  • Medium: 450px
  • Large: 750px
  • X-large: 1090px

Video file (required): File formats supported: MP4, MOV, OGG, WEBM 

HTML Hotspot

(Paid Accounts Only) Renders HTML in a modal window. Useful for things like embedding forms, surveys, or other items that don’t quite work in the Embed Type hotspots. 

Works the same in both the Momento360 web app and embed/share links. 


Click to view a sample HTML Hotspot (Typeform survey)
Click to view a sample HTML Hotspot (Mailchimp signup)


Preview Text (required): This text will be displayed in the Preview view. If blank, it will display “Untitled Hotspot.”

HTML markup (required): Paste your HTML markup in here.  

Display Size: This sets the max width of the window. Values are:

  • Small: 250px
  • Medium: 450px
  • Large: 750px
  • X-large: 1090px

Preview Image: You can optionally upload a preview image to be displayed in place of the default icon. This will be displayed when the user hovers over the annotation. If nothing is uploaded, the default icon is displayed. Preview images are displayed at 50x50:


The default height is set to 350px.

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