Creating Photos from a 360-degree Image
You can create a regular "flat" photo from your 360-degree imagery within Momento360 with our virtual camera feature. It takes the view that's currently shown in your device window and then creates an image from that. What you see is what you get (absent any overlays).
Here's how it works:
1. Set the viewport to frame the scene you want. You can do it fullscreen, adjust your browser dimensions, etc. Whatever is displayed is what will be generated.
2. Click the Create Photo button. It will pop up a dialog. Click "Create and Save" button.
On a computer
A system file save will prompt you for the name and location to save the file to. Save it and you're done! ( Note: This feature does not work in Internet Explorer 11)
On mobile devices
On mobile devices once you tap the "Create and Save" button the new image will open automatically in a new browser tab.
You will need to save the image to your photo gallery from the browser.
iOS devices
Frame your picture and click the button:
The picture opens in a separate tab (you'll know because the URL bar will say "blob:"). Tap the share button:
this opens up the share sheet. Scroll through and find the "Save Image" button.
Tap it and now your new photo is in your camera roll!