Customizing your embed and share branding

When you upgrade to a Professional or Business account you can customize the branding on all your shares/embeds.

Once you upgrade, the Momento360 branding (watermark logo in the left corner) on all your shares and embeds immediately disappears. If you opt not to set a logo it will remain blank. (It looks like this).

If you opt to set a logo it shows up on all your share/embeds. You can also set an (optional) URL that the logo links to, such as a landing page, where viewers will go once they click on that link.

Logo details: The maximum width of the logo is 100 pixels and the maximum height is 50 pixels. By default it is rendered at 50% opacity. We recommend creating the logo with a transparent background. It should not be larger than 4MB.

Note: Setting/clearing the logo affects all the embeds/shares in your account, immediately. There is currently no way to set the logo option on a per-embed basis.

How to Set the Logo (Pro & Business Accounts only)

1. Go to your  Account page

2. Scroll down to the section labeled Customizations. If you have upgraded to a Pro or Business Account you should see a grey square with "Image not Set" in it. 

3. Click on the "Manage Custom logo and URL" link.

4. Click on the link that says "Click here to Upload a new image". It will open a file chooser. 

5. Drag (or navigate to) your logo image onto the chooser. After it uploads, you can crop it. On larger screens it may look pixelated, but remember that it will be rendered at 100px by 50 px. After you're satisfied, click the "Upload" button:

After it processes you should be taken back to your Account page, where you can verify that it is correct (the logo is rendered on a gray background in case it is white):

All your embeds will now have your custom logo on them. Congratulations!

Setting the custom branding URL (Pro & Business Accounts only)

1. Navigate to your Account page

2. Under the Customizations section, click the "Manage custom logo and target URL" link

3. The second section of the page will have a box to enter in your URL. Enter it (including the http:// or https:// prefix):

Once you finish typing, click the "Save Changes" button that pops up: 

It will then take you back to your account page. 

All of your embeds will now display the logo and will link the the URL you have set above. 

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